How To Advertise On Social Media Skip to main content

How To Advertise On Social Media

Social Media is a tool that helps in so many ways - one of the ways is advertising to drive customers. 

The question is how can you advertise your products on social media. In this article, we have broken down the steps it takes to create the best social media advertising strategy.

Step one: Choose your platforms

We’ve outlined above a few reasons why you should choose each platform. Keep in mind that you’ll be most successful with social media marketing if you use more than one platform for your advertising strategy.

The more audiences you can get your ad in front of, the better.

Start your social media advertising strategy by nailing down what platforms you want to advertise.

Step two: Create an audience persona

It’s time to get creative. The second step is to create an audience persona for your ideal customer.

This persona will help you determine exactly what qualities you want to target and will help you decide which social media advertising platforms work for you.

For example, if you want to advertise a huge event that you have coming up that caters to senior college students, LinkedIn would be a fantastic place to advertise — simply because of the marketing persona that you created.

Similarly, if your ideal customer is a millennial that lives on their own and has a job, Snapchat would be a great place for you to advertise.

Your target persona should include things like:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Specific location
  • Degree
  • Marital status
  • Interests
  • Online behavior
  • Job industry
Step three: Decide on your ad budget

Another important step in your social media advertising journey is to decide on your ad budget.

This step is crucial because skipping it can cause you to spiral out of control in the finance department. Ads can suck up a lot of spends if you allow them to, which is why it’s so important to choose a budget and stick to it.

You should start by determining an overall ad budget — you’ll divide this amount among all your platforms after you decide which are best for you.

Setting this overreaching ad budget will help you stay on track and give you a spending cap to keep in mind.

Step four: Determine your goals

What do you want to accomplish with your social media ads? Are you looking to drive more traffic to your website, sell more products, or improve brand awareness?

Maybe you want to do all three!

Whatever the case may be, determining your ad goals upfront will give you something to work toward. If you’re not accomplishing those goals with the ad strategy you start with, you’ll know its time to change up your strategy.

Step five: Decide if you’d like to hire a social media marketing company

If you run your own business, taking over your ad strategy might be more than your plate can handle. In that case, many business owners turn to social media marketing agencies to help them design, craft and launch their social media ads.

Not only that but when you work with an agency you get the added benefit of advertising advice based on years of experience.

iDigital Space can help teach you how to advertise on social media.

If you’re looking for an in-house team of social media advertising experts who are experienced with all types of social media advertising, iDigital Space is here for you.

We’re known for the insane results we drive for our clients. But most of all, we’re known for the relationships that we forge with our clients. We’re not looking to take over your company’s social media endeavors, we’re looking to become an extension of your marketing team.

We’ll get to know your business and care for its success like it’s our own — because it is.

If you’re interested in learning how to advertise on social media from the experts, iDigital Space is here to help.

Contact us online for a free quote or give us a call at +234(0)8149693445 to learn more!

Author: Michael Agwulonu, Digital Marketing Strategist
