The Exact Effects of Digital Marketing Strategy on Your Business Skip to main content

The Exact Effects of Digital Marketing Strategy on Your Business

Buying behavior has changed dramatically since the advent of the internet. More and more consumers are starting (and finishing) their customer journey on the internet, thus showing the importance and effectiveness of Digital Marketing. Even you as a business owner cannot deny your usage of the internet as a customer of other products.

The way consumers make their purchasing decisions today makes Digital Marketing mandatory for any entrepreneur looking to set themselves apart from their competition. No matter the size or industry of your business, the knowledge on how digital marketing can promote your business will determine if you'll grow, and at what rate.

But before taking the plunge into being present on the internet or web, you as an entrepreneur must understand how digital marketing can promote your business in order to use the right tools and tactics to reach and interest your audience.

Digital Marketing can promote your business if there is a well-structured plan to follow, and this plan is called the digital marketing strategy. It ensures that you have:

• your goals written down clearly: this will be a source of motivation and encouragement to you and your team, if you have one.

• a responsive website looking welcoming and ready to launch: having a website is the core aspect of digital marketing, but having a responsive one suitable for every and any device is a ticket to success.

• a content calender telling you everything you need to do for the next few months, and where: this gives you a sense of organization. When marketing gets overwhelming, you'll find comfort in knowing that you don't have to rack your brain to decide what to do next.

• functioning tools ready for automation: this is the peak of comfort in digital marketing. You can find out more on marketing automation right here.

The list below tells you how digital marketing can promote your business::

1. Be visible to a large audience

Thanks to the web, you can be visible to a large audience anytime and anywhere in the world. Of course, it's about targeting your desired audience. There is no point in being visible in Spanish search engines, if your customers are exclusively from Nigeria - speaking English. 

However, you can increase your popularity with this audience much more easily by being on the internet, being intentional about ranking high in Google results page, and giving your audience exactly what they want - and more.

2. Better conversion rate

The concept of conversion rate refers to the number of visitors who have become prospects compared to the total number of internet users who have visited your site. Digital marketing is known to lead to more conversions than traditional marketing. 


Because when done right, it puts your business (and marketing efforts) right in front of potential customers as opposed to advertising to everyone randomly. It also informs you on what you're doing right and wrong so you can make better decisions in the future, and have better conversion rates.

3. More profitable means of distribution

If the Web allows you to gain visibility, above all it allows you to do so without spending a crazy amount on advertising. Traditional marketing channels are generally more expensive than digital ones. An A4 advertising page in a magazine, or a shout-out on the radio and television, can require a significant budget, while a Facebook advertisement can  reach a lot of people for a few naira.

Digital marketing is also more profitable in that, you are certain that your target audience will receive your message. How many people sit in front of the TV these days or even listen to the radio? I know I don't, and you probably don't either. This certainty in distribution gives you reliable information on how digital marketing can promote your business even further.

4. A measurable and quantifiable ROI

Another advantage of the internet is that you get to measure in real time and exactly the results of your advertising campaigns (the number of views, conversion rates, etc.). You can therefore calculate your ROI (Return on Investment) much more easily. 

Ultimately, analyzing your ad results can also give you very specific insights into what is working with your audience. This is the opportunity to optimize your future campaigns for even more conversions.

5. Increasing the turnover of your business

The Web represents a large sales potential (direct thanks to e-commerce or indirect with a showcase website). It makes it easy for people looking for products like yours to get in touch with your business. It is then up to you to succeed in converting these potential customers  by offering them fast and quality service.

As you might already know, consumers have a short attention span, and humans generally have fleeting patience. If your marketing automation is not set up to perform optimally, then your turnover might not increase.


Every business has a specific target that they are trying to achieve, and digital marketing is helping businesses worldwide reach their target consumers on the Internet. It is one thing to know how digital marketing can promote your business, and it is an entirely different thing to have a functional digital marketing strategy.

It is imperative for companies to not only be present on the internet, but to boost their visibility as much as possible. Your business can't go wrong with an effective digital marketing strategy. 

Click here to get in touch with our marketing expert to plan an effective digital marketing strategy for your business

Author: Halimat Atanda, Content Strategist
