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iDigital Space is the top and leading full-service digital marketing agency based in Nigeria, that is data-driven and results-oriented for business growth.

Our Approach to Digital Marketing is Data-Driven

Our Mission

Helping businesses deliver digital experiences people love and buy.

Our Vision

To create a platform that delivers customer-centric and data-driven experiences focused on growing business consistently, and an organization where the brightest minds would love to work.

Our Values

Diligence: We work towards achieving significant growth in our customers' businesses.

Integrity: We are open in our deals and strive to meet every contract needs and agreements.

Consistency: Our focus is to continue growing businesses and helping them achieve their goals.

Meet Our Awesome Team

Our journey as a digital marketing agency is driven by curious, empathetic, and optimistic professionals who agree on the same values and are very passionate about what they do.

Michael C. Agwulonu
CEO, iDigital Space
"Your future is not determined by your personality, but by yourself, by what you think and by your action"

Halimat C. Atanda
Content Strategist | Direct-Response Copywriter
"The harder you work for something, the greater you will feel when you achieve it"  

Oyinkansola Bolarinwa
Content Strategist
"Do what your future self will thank you for. If you don't build your future now, others will hire you to build theirs"

James A. Abegunde
Brand Strategist
"The future belongs to the competent. Get good, get better, be the best!"

What We Do Best

1. Copywriting and Content Marketing
2. Facebook Advertising
3. Search Engine Optimization
4. Social Media Management
5. Video Marketing
6. Web Technology
7. Email Marketing
8. Branding and Design

Recognized By

 Agency Vista Verified Badge


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