10 Skills You Need to Succeed in Digital Marketing Skip to main content

10 Skills You Need to Succeed in Digital Marketing

In our world today, a successful digital marketer must be endowed with certain skills to be able to exercise his profession in an optimum manner. In these qualities, there are certainly those which are directly related to the work itself but also qualities that have no direct link with web marketing. These are the ones that will make a difference in the market! Stay tuned!

1. Analytics: As a digital marketer, it's not enough to just design cool photos or visuals, and post on whatever platform you deem fit. The first thing you should understand is your target audience and what exactly it is that you're doing for them. You can only certainly have a good insight into your target audience with the knowledge of analytics.

For any brand to gain authority, analysis of statistics is important. The Google Analytics tool will allow you to perform this action. To do this, you should link Google Analytics to your site through the search console. Then, you will analyze the data that seems most important to you according to your objectives (sales, notoriety, traffic, etc.)

2. Article Writing and Content Production: A digital marketer will most likely be tasked with strengthening brand awareness. And among the known missions, there is the writing of articles. This task is essential in the field because it allows demonstration of expertise.

For example, you are currently reading this article on digital marketing because that's what the agency is all about.

Content is the foundation of any marketing strategy/action. You need images, blog posts, infographics, free ebooks… The list goes on. When done right, it drives engagement, SEO performance, leads, and eventually, sales.

3. Creativity and Innovativeness: Creativity is a huge plus in web marketing. In this case, it refers to images, videos, infographics, etc. Creativity can be a differentiator in the market. You could always hire a graphic designer, but being able to do it yourself has its perks.

Most marketers know that you get better engagement and more shares when you use visuals. Facebook, Twitter, Your website, you name it; they all have better engagement rates with beautiful, eye-catching, and relevant visuals supporting the texts. 

4. Technical skills: As a digital marketer, you should not be scared of things that sound "technical". You cannot be averted to it. You should be able to optimize your website in terms of making sure:
  • It is responsive on any device
  • It has a fast loading time for the user
  • The articles are not too long, well structured, and have visuals where necessary.
  • It is optimized for Google to find it easily. Building a solid SEO on search engines takes time and there are no quick fixes. But don't overlook it, as it makes up the majority of your traffic, although it may take years of content creation and strategy.
Remember that your user experience is very important. If you don't have this technical knowledge, you will leave your audience unsatisfied, and I believe you don't want that.

5. Have an eye for new trends: A digital marketer must regularly monitor new developments in the field of digital marketing, but also in the sector of activity he/she operates. 

The world keeps growing, you and your business should not be left behind. You should not only monitor digital marketing trends, but you should also monitor finance, catering, and fashion trends if you have clients in that sector. It is your job. To carry out effective digital and sector monitoring, you can use feedly or quora. These are considered as the best tools for getting involved in trends conversation.

6. Managing social networks: You should have been expecting this one. Social media is a complex system, and you need to know the different cogs and the tools, to take advantage of it.

The question you need to ask yourself is "which networks will I focus on"? And then you strategize. The social networks most used by companies are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others are arriving like Pinterest or Snapchat to reach a younger community. 

Managing social networks means knowing how to manage an online community, unite it, and recruit new subscribers. It also means consistently producing relevant, attractive, and entertaining content to subscribers. This is where your creativity and technical skills come in. For consistency, you can employ scheduling tools on said media or others like Hootsuite and Buffer.

7. Paid advertising; A digital marketer must know or be aware that paid advertisements are useful to gain visibility and traffic on the web. Indeed, small pages are now obliged to use sponsored advertising on social networks and search engines. 

This involves paying a teeny amount for visibility on these platforms when your keywords are searched for. You can also pay to boost a certain post that you think is successful. Go with your guts. If you think "people need to see this", then boost it. Truth is, if you're not willing to spend, you'll have a hard time being visible at first.

8. Email Marketing: Email was a simple thing in the past. Now it's all about targeting and analyzing bounce rates, open rates, and conversions. Its power as a marketing tool is often underestimated. While social is great for branding media, your most loyal and engaged prospects, customers, and fans want to stay in touch via email. Many marketing campaigns perform because they result from a relationship worked and maintained by e-mail. Email Marketing has been made easy with tools such as MailChimp, AWeber, Getresponse, etc.

9. Mobile marketing: The mobile boom and the growth of smartphones have taken many marketers by surprise. Many brands have a website unsuitable for mobile (non-responsive) and do not have applications to make it easy to use for their customers. Here's a skill that needs to be learned - and fast! You don't want to lose any customer just because smartphones have gone viral.

10. Empathy: An unexpected word, right? Wrong. It means putting one's self in the shoes of others, to understand how they feel. It, therefore, goes without saying that a Digital Marketer must have "empathy" and listen to his target to be able to best identify the target for the product or service that he particularly wishes to sell and promote. 

In conclusion, having all of these skills gives you authority and with time, drives traffic towards you. But don't fret if you are lacking in one or two, there's room for development and if not, then there's room for a team.

If there's anything you don't understand or some skill you think is missing in this list, please feel free to comment below.

Author: Halimat Atanda, Content Strategist
