How To Pick The Best Keywords For Your Website Skip to main content

How To Pick The Best Keywords For Your Website

Choosing the right keywords might seem like such a herculean task. You're like, "Where do I start from? I have no idea what to do. I just want to own a website and make more money." Truth is, it has never been as easy as that.

The feeling of owning a website can be appealing, but at a point, you have to agree it's not enough. You start wanting more. Needing more. Visitors, customers/clients, sign-ups, conversions, you just want more.

I'll be straight with you. Nothing is constant. Whatever methods work for you this year might need a little tweak or a complete turnaround for you to get the same, or better results next year. So, it is paramount to try new strategies, make improvements on existing ones, and monitor performances to know what works and what doesn't.
Here are a few ways to assist your decision making regarding keywords for your niche:
1. Ask Google: I know how that sounds, but I actually mean it literally. Most, if not all, of your potential customers, make use of the Google search engine. So, if there's anything you want, it's to make sure your keywords are all up in the "crawlers" face when someone searches for something you can offer (by crawlers, I mean those things that Google uses to search itself before it displays the result for the searchers). Google search console and Google analytics give you an idea of the most valuable keywords related to your business. They tell you which ones are performing and which ones aren't. There are other platforms like SEMrush that can also assist with keyword choosing.

2. Put yourself in your customers' shoes: You have a product or service you're offering to sell, how would you search for it if you didn't have it? What words would you use? How specific would your search be? When you have answers to these, you'll have an idea of what should be your keyword, and what shouldn't. If you're the traditional type that always has a physical store for all your problems and you never ask Google for help, reach out to friends and family members that search the net. Let them tell you exactly what they would type. Remember, your target audience needs to be able to find you before they can ask for your help.

3. Conduct Research: This is a bit related to the first and second, but here I'm not just focusing on what Google itself has to offer or what you think your target audience is asking. In this case, don't just think like your customers, you need to type that question and see what comes up. Like the Google autocomplete function or the section on the result page that says 'people also ask' and so on. Be sure that the responses you're getting for a particular question is related to your business and not something entirely different. If it's different, you might want to increase the specificity of your keywords. Also, don't be afraid to use sentence-long keywords or longtail keywords as it is popularly called. Do your research, you can't go wrong with asking questions.

4. Study your competition: There's someone else out there that is offering the same thing as you and probably even more. They are also trying to get in front of your target audience, or they're already there. Whatever it is, you need to find out what they're using to make them rank high on the search engine result page, and find a way to incorporate that into your website. Using tools like Ahref's content gap tool, you can identify keywords your competitors rank for what you do not. Evaluating competitors' rankings can uncover a goldmine of potential SEO keywords for your niche. 

Studying your competitions will not only give you information on keywords but also give you an idea of what your target audience needs that nobody is offering yet. You have nothing to lose.

You can check your website SEO score here

5. Monitor and Analyze: A website is a technological product, so is a search engine and every social media platform that you might be using for your business. This means that the only thing you know for sure is that, there will always be changes. Keeping up with the changes on these platforms allows you to stay on top of your game because that way, you're adjusting your website properties to meet up with requirements. Also, like I mentioned earlier, not everything you try is going to work for you the same way it works for others so monitoring current keywords and the results it generates will go a long way in helping you make the best decision for your website. You can use tools like Google Analytics or Ahrefs to check how your content and your ad campaigns are performing.

By analyzing the results, you can determine if you invested in keywords that were beneficial to your company. And if the keywords were not bringing enough traffic to return your investment, you easily remove them from your list.

As stressful as all of this might sound, don't forget the reason you're here is that you NEED that business of yours to grow and grow and never stop growing.

Let iDigital Space help you do keyword research!

iDigital Space will help you find the keywords you should use for your company with our SEO services. We will generate new content perfectly optimized for SEO so that you can at the top of your keyword research game.

Contact us online or call us at +2348149693445, and our SEO specialists will get started on building your keyword list today!

Author: Halimat Atanda, Content Strategist
