6 Ways To Increase Brand Presence Online In Nigeria Skip to main content

6 Ways To Increase Brand Presence Online In Nigeria

Online presence = Brand awareness. 

Amidst COVID-19 lockdown and physical restrictions, the world has gone online with no sector left behind. Education, health management, agriculture, businesses, and of course, technology itself. Nigeria, our slowly developing country, has also followed this trend of being and living online. Being online indeed has numerous benefits for individuals and businesses. It is also true that most Nigerians are deep in the traditional business methods that they don't utilize the internet to its full potential. The few ones that do understand how to use the internet are either too young or inexperienced to think about business, or too one-track minded to actually explore. It makes you wonder, as a business owner that can only satisfy your countrymen within a specific mile radius. 

You might have been asking yourself these questions: How do I get my business out there? Do people even know I exist? Or am I just a random drop of water in the Pacific? Should I even be online?

Wonder no more! Here are 6 ways to increase your brand presence online in Nigeria. Do keep in mind, this list isn't exhaustive.

1. Get a website: Stop that procrastination. Stop feeling like you don't need a website. Stop telling yourself your personal Facebook profile is enough advertisement. Just stop it. Remember, you're in Nigeria, offering services to Nigerians. Whether or not we like hearing it, our country is full of fraudsters, or as we call them scammers, 419ers. And even these people have websites. So, why won't you, a legitimate business owner, a striving entrepreneur, why won't you create one? Nigerians are smart, plus they have trust issues. A website could help break down those walls of distrust. If you're reading this, you must be serious about growing. If you don't have a website, create it now.

2. Utilize business directories: Directories like Google my business, vconnect, business list Nigeria, ngex, finelib, etc, are options you might want to try out whether or not you already have a website. These directories give your business visibility by letting you add details like your name, logo, some relevant pictures, services offered, your location, your working hours, etc. So, this is basically like a website that you don't have to manage. All you have to do is make sure your details are up to date, and try getting customers to rate you once in a while, if not every time.

3. Social media marketing (SMM): You must have heard of this before, and it probably scares you a bit. There are so many platforms out there, where do you start from? To answer this question, you need to conduct a little research to find out where exactly your customers are. Let me paint a picture here: You're a hairdresser specializing in-home services. Your target market should be stay-at-home moms, Muslim ladies, and your girlfriends. Start with the most accessible, your friends on WhatsApp. That's the platform taking the time of most of your potential customers because let's face it, those ladies most likely enjoy chatting while laying in the comfort of their beds. You need to also know the platform that will suitable for your business. You can get that information here. Start gradually, and then expand.

4. Intentional personal advocacy: As I mentioned earlier, Nigeria is still growing. Your business is relevant, it just hasn't gotten the right attention and you can change that. Digital technology is great, but do not undermine the power of traditional advertising and advocacy. Your customers are online alright, but they have no idea what they want. They're just there seeking entertainment. It is your duty, as an aspiring successful business owner, to inform them to check out your website, or social media pages, or something similar. You cannot get tired or frustrated. Be grateful that we at least have the gadgets to find you online, then remind us of your existence. Announce yourself at the slightest opportunity you get. You won't regret it.

5. Feed your Audience: You have a website. Your business is in a local directory. Your social media pages have a reasonable number of members. And then what? I'll tell you - distribute ice cream and fried chicken to your audience. Not literally of course. They want entertainment, give it to them by delivering content in the form of write-ups, images, GIFs, videos, infographics, and the likes. They are important to you, so make them feel important. Trust me, they'll be back for more.

6. Networking: Every Nigerian knows this saying; "Success depends on who you know o", or its varieties. This is usually used in a negative way to describe the rotten economy of our country and how almost everything requires a bribe. But it actually applies to every sector of life. Humans are interdependent creatures, you cannot do it on your own. You need people in the industry of digital marketing to know you, help you, and eventually advertise you. It will happen, you just have to be intentional about it. That's why iDigital Space is here for you to build your business online. You can get a free consultation now.

Building an online presence in Nigeria is difficult, no doubt. When you achieve it, you will appreciate the efforts you put in. These methods are not exclusive to the period of the pandemic. It works in every season, crisis or not. The pandemic just enlightened us.

Author: Halimat C. Atanda, Content Strategist
