5 Signs That Your Business Needs Marketing Automation Skip to main content

5 Signs That Your Business Needs Marketing Automation

Many businesses have begun to understand the importance of having an online presence, and are trying to keep up with the ever-changing technologies and platforms in an attempt to grow sales and increase revenue. Marketing automation involves managing marketing processes and campaigns in autopilot mode, and its effectiveness cannot be overemphasized. It provides services ranging from scheduling emails to managing complex campaigns and analyzing data from previous tasks. So, how do you know when it's time to implement marketing automation?

1. Not scoring or generating leads as expected
Leads are potential buyers of your products and/or services. Visitors become leads and leads become paying customers. If your current marketing strategy is only bringing visitors and stopping there, it might be time to change it. Marketing automation allows you to identify and design strategies that give visitors, leads, and customers personalized journeys as they move through the sales funnel. This will not only generate more leads for your business but also increase conversion rates which will in turn ensure an inflow of profit.

2. Inconsistent implementation of digital marketing strategy
You're a start-up, you have limited resources and you're the sole owner and manager of your business. You have a life outside your business and sometimes life gets in the way without warning. All of a sudden, things that have been going smoothly initially are quickly becoming a mess. You keep forgetting to upload a blog post, reply to a mail, or fill out your calendar as required. You also cannot afford an assistant. Your best bet is marketing automation because it provides tools that will do your bidding at a cheaper cost compared to a human assistant. Also, it will help you remain consistent and as we all know, consistency is key in digital marketing.

3. You have a million customers to satisfy
You're successful. You've gotten to that point in your business that you've always dreamed of. Mission accomplished. But should it stop there? No, the ultimate goal of any business should be to continue growing and getting to higher levels. In this case, marketing automation will help you reassess your marketing process and save you time. It will give your employees the opportunity to focus on newer and higher-order problems.

4. Presence of repetitive tasks
When you realize that there are some specific tasks that you always carry out on certain occasions like sending an appreciation mail to a new subscriber, replying to a frequently asked question, or sending a check-up mail to remind a subscriber of an unfinished purchase, then it is time to automate your marketing strategy. It will keep you organized, and save you a lot of time and energy.

5. Low conversion rates and return on investment
You have read books, articles, and blogs. You've watched several videos and attended countless webinars. You have implemented every lesson learned from those platforms, but still, your conversion rates are less than 10%. What are you doing wrong? I can't tell you but a marketing automation tool can help. These tools analyze processes, keep records of every detail, and present results when needed. They can give you an insight into what you're doing wrong, and also give ideas on how to improve your methods.

Marketing automation is a tool of success for your business that you shouldn't ignore. It will increase sales, return on investment, and guarantee you an overall growth.

Author: Halimat C. Atanda, Content Strategist
