The Five Key Points Your Business Needs to Consider - in order to use social media effectively Skip to main content

The Five Key Points Your Business Needs to Consider - in order to use social media effectively

Your business journey to creating a social media presence involves:

1. Setting your objectives: If you look from your perspective as a business, the things you have on your agenda, the things that you would like to achieve as a business, and the directions you would like to go into, how can you use social media to achieve them? These are the objectives you need to set.

2. Choosing your target audience: What that means is how can you reach out to the different target groups that you have identified for your businesses using social media tools that are available to you? 

3. Selecting the social media channels you will use: So if you think about from the perspective of your business, once you have identified your objectives, your target group, what kind of social media channels are you going to use to reach out to them? Are you going to use one particular social media channel or are you going to use multiple? And how, in what correlation are you going to use them?

4. Creating your messaging: What do I mean by messaging? If you think about what you want to tell the world and your customers and everyone who'd like to hear about your company, what message do you want to tell them? What message do you want to communicate with the social media tools that you're going to have at your disposal?

5. Managing your social media presence: If you think about all the social media tools that you have at your disposal and all the information that's going around the world every 60 seconds, huge quantities of information, managing is key. How would you like to manage information and the message you're giving away? What kind of frequency are you going to use? Are you going to put post every hour, are you going to post every couple of hours or every day? Or what kind of tools are you going to use?

So all the messages that you want to give out to people and other businesses and the audience that you're going to have, you have to carefully manage. You have to have a strategy in terms of managing. Various tools are social media tailored, you can use to manage your messages for all the different kinds of social media networks and tools that you're going to use. So think about managing - how would you like to manage your message? What would you like to do? What's going to make it easier for you to carry the message out to your audiences?

If you have any questions on this post, you can drop a comment. 

Author: Michael Agwulonu, Digital Marketing Strategist
