How to grow your Facebook Page Likes and Followers Skip to main content

How to grow your Facebook Page Likes and Followers

I am very sure you have created a Facebook Page for your business. And now, you will need people to visit it.

It is important to build followers who are interested in your products or services or the content you share on your page. There are several ways to create a following for your page, but making people aware of it is the first step.

facebook Likes

Here are some ways you can grow your page followers:

1. Share your Page in your Personal News Feed

Tell your friends and family about the Facebook page. Ask them to like the page and to share it with their friends and communities.

2. Join or create relevant groups

By posting as your Page in groups relevant to your business, you can reach people interested in what you do and increase your page followers. If you don't find any suitable groups, you can create your own to build a community and increase engagement with your business Page. Forums like Quora and Feedly can help in that area. 

3. Share your Page outside Facebook

Don't forget about other platforms. Share your Facebook Page on your website, in marketing materials, and in blog posts to make sure that everyone who might want to follow your page sees it.

4. Advertise and Promote Your Page

You can also grow your followers by advertising your page on Facebook and Instagram. We will go over how to do this in the later posts. You can visit our Facebook Group iDigital Space for more updates.

5. Maintain an active community

If people come to your page and see that it,s active, they are more likely to like your page and engage with the existing community. You can also use Page insights to see when your followers are most active online and what kind of content attracts the most engagement, then tailor your content accordingly.

6. Gather Feedback

Page ratings and reviews can help build trust and credibility for your business.

When people write a review, they can choose whether or not to recommend your Page. When they publicly recommend you in the group or to their friends, it will appear on your Page where everyone can see it.

When someone leaves feedback on your page, you can comment back to hank them. When you follow up with your Page visitors, they are more likely to recommend your Page to others.

Author: Michael Agwulonu, Digital Marketing Strategist

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