Facts and Statistics of Affiliate Marketing Skip to main content

Facts and Statistics of Affiliate Marketing

To embark in having the knowledge of affiliate marketing, it is helpful to have in  mind a couple of facts and statistics that illustrate the state of affiliate marketing in the business world at the moment. 

Here are the facts and statistics of affiliate marketing:

  1. Approximately% of the digital media industry's revenue now comes from affiliate marketing. (BusinessInsider)
  2. Over 50% of top affiliate programs fall into 4 categories: Fashion, Sports, Health &, Beauty Travel. (AMNavigator)
  3. Top factors for choosing an affiliate program are product or service relevancy (18.15%), affiliate program reputation (15.97%), and affiliate network or tracking platform (11.58%). (AffStat)
  4. The most common places to find new affiliate programs include information on the merchant’s website searches on Google and affiliate network websites. (AffStat)
  5. Affiliate marketing will affect 14% of all e-commerce purchases in the United States. (DigitalCommerce360)
  6. With the power of social media, content publishers, and a plethora of digital media readily available at their fingertips, today's consumers are more educated and shopper-savvy than ever before. (Rakuten)
  7. When it comes to purchasing decisions, price point had the most influence on a Millennial (62%), outweighing recommendations from a friend (55%), brand reputation (47%), and product quality (35%). (Rakuten)
  8. Mobile devices were crucial for Millennial mothers to search for the best possible price of a product (79.4%), read reviews (68.9%), and download coupons (67.1%). Even in-store shopping was greatly influenced by Millennial mobile users, with over half (52%) comparing prices to other retailers. (Rakuten)
  9. More than 30% of affiliate-generated sales originate from a mobile device. (Awin)
  10. Nearly 50% of affiliate-referred traffic originates from a mobile device. (Awin)
  11. 40% of marketing professionals quote affiliate marketing as the most desired digital skill. (AMNavigator)
Written by: Michael Agwulonu
