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How to Create An Effective Digital Marketing Plan

A digital marketing plan is a map that guides you to achieve the objectives and goals of your brand. It is necessary for every organization that is involved in marketing. It is so important, it's not enough to just have a plan, that plan has to be effective. It has to bring results as early as it is implemented. For a digital marketing plan to be effective, it has to consider all necessary aspects of the brand/business, and it have to be realistic and practical. Something that you can look at on a wall and follow the steps without having to spend another hour or more trying to decipher the meaning of that step. Now, let's discuss how to create an effective digital marketing plan 1. Research : This is probably the most recurring word in any form of marketing. Whatever it is you're selling, you will sell better with proper research. Your research must answer the following questions: What am I selling? What is that one thing I'm promising my customers (USP)? Do I nee

How to Create a Buyer Persona for Your Business

Avatar... That's the word for it. I'm not talking about element-bending character here. Avatar means a buyer persona. Yes, your target audience, your ideal customers. What they look like, what they like, problems they're facing, things they desire, and so on. A fictional character that you create, give a name, attach a personality, and sometimes even a face. This enables you to remember that you're dealing with humans like yourself that have interests and desires. It is possible that you'll need more than one persona since your business could be targeting various kinds of people. How does this concern you ?  Your buyers/customers/clients are the reason you have a business. If you don't know what your customers want, you need to find out now. Having a buyer persona assists you in creating content that'll target and benefit your target audience. Luckily for you, I've got a list of things to help you create that persona. Follow me until the end... 1. Ask :

How To Pick The Best Keywords For Your Website

Choosing the right keywords might seem like such a herculean task. You're like, "Where do I start from? I have no idea what to do. I just want to own a website and make more money." Truth is, it has never been as easy as that. The feeling of owning a website can be appealing, but at a point, you have to agree it's not enough. You start wanting more. Needing more. Visitors, customers/clients, sign-ups, conversions, you just want more. I'll be straight with you. Nothing is constant. Whatever methods work for you this year might need a little tweak or a complete turnaround for you to get the same, or better results next year. So, it is paramount to try new strategies, make improvements on existing ones, and monitor performances to know what works and what doesn't. Here are a few ways to assist your decision making regarding keywords for your niche : 1. Ask Google : I know how that sounds, but I actually mean it literally. Most, if not all, of your potential custo

Tips For An Effective Marketing Strategy

Planning is the key to success in life. Forget any other saying that contradicts this. Having plans keep you organized, saves time, gives you a sense of control, makes you feel confident, gives you a sense of direction, reminds you of your goals and objectives, prepares you for problems, etc. I could go on and on about the advantages of planning because that's how numerous they are.  Marketing strategy is a plan, a long-term plan of a business whose goal is to make sales and profit by understanding the needs of customers and delivering those needs to them. This is not a dictionary definition but I'm sure you get the gist. You have a strategy already? Good. Is it effective though? Read till the end to find out what you aren't but should be doing. 1. Offer value, solve a problem : Why did you start that company? What do you hope to achieve? What do your customers need? Once you have answers to these questions, your marketing strategy will do its job with little adjustments fr