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Showing posts with the label Buyer Persona

How to Create a Buyer Persona for Your Business

Avatar... That's the word for it. I'm not talking about element-bending character here. Avatar means a buyer persona. Yes, your target audience, your ideal customers. What they look like, what they like, problems they're facing, things they desire, and so on. A fictional character that you create, give a name, attach a personality, and sometimes even a face. This enables you to remember that you're dealing with humans like yourself that have interests and desires. It is possible that you'll need more than one persona since your business could be targeting various kinds of people. How does this concern you ?  Your buyers/customers/clients are the reason you have a business. If you don't know what your customers want, you need to find out now. Having a buyer persona assists you in creating content that'll target and benefit your target audience. Luckily for you, I've got a list of things to help you create that persona. Follow me until the end... 1. Ask : ...